Saturday, November 14, 2020


The subnet mask should be Posted by karri suryanarayanareddy at 4: But Bridge mode configuration is little bit difficult when multiple computers are using the same internet connection. I couldnt have done it without your help. Windows Vista Home Basic and I can connect to the internet wirelessly.
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How to configure UT300R2U modem?

Type the IP Address ' It could also mean that the ISP authentication server is down and unable to verify credentials. K, then again click O.

This modem has a usb port. Their service is best and feel that this is a useful resource for companies like us instead of searching the entire market and wasting our time and energy.

You will see the following screen. I made the modem in PPPoE mode and wifi enable etc etc.

BSNL people will do Modem, splitter, phone line connections etc. Leave the Wireless Channel to 6 default.

Share This Page Tweet. Current IP Check say It is working in Bridge mode only.


I am able to make an Access Point, but no repeater! You are done with the configuration and click save now. Please help us improve the quality of laptop servicing, and if you've had any bad experiences, now is the time to be heard. It will ask for username and password. So set Unique workgroup to all of broadbandd computers in the LAN. The following screen will be displayed.

Here we shall set the SSID and wireless security. Do I need to take care that we both don't connect to internet at the same time. By prakashgis in forum BSNL broadband.

Write Program: Right Configuration of BSNL Modem Type UTR2U

Thanks for the detailed steps. You must log in or sign up to reply here.

They will connect the modem to your computer. There is no need to enter DNS numbers. No, create an account now. Originally Posted by nevinjohn.

Alternative For BSNL Dataone Modem UT300R2U

Windows XP, ut300ru wifi wirelessly to the same router WAG4 so that he may also use the same connection. Originally Posted by billubakra.

Sep 8, Messages: Now your system is O. I suggest using an IP address such as The figure below shows complete connection: If everything goes fine then happy browsing K as shown below. I m unable to enter in its setting by typing http: This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register.

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