Saturday, November 14, 2020


The intel site does list a driver that looks like what I need. Need intel graphics driver for ubuntu I found another thing that may help you determine what is going wrong. Glad to see I'm not the only one with this issue. I have had some issues with Ubuntu slowing things down so I am not currently using it. Brutal Legend seems to be getting slightly better performance under Cinnamon than it did under Unity, but that might also just be a result of newer drivers, or something else.
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I have heard of reports of stuff going weird if the kernel isn't updated. Thanks Qlll for the help.

Intel Integrated graphics (HD , HD ) and Linux :: Brütal Legend Dyskusje ogólne

The latest versions of Ubuntu may include fresher drivers, but not necessarily the most recent ones. The list can be found here: Font becomes distorted, appears "interlaced". Slow boot, idle for 20s. Already mentioned it in the other topic, but yeah, me too. Tags for this Thread But the game is still unplayable for me.

I have had some issues with Ubuntu slowing things down so I am not currently using it.

July 10th, 2. I have found a list of glitches with hardware relating to the current kernel.

It sounds as though I am still controlling the character when the screen stops responding. I'll stop attemting to upgrade the intel driver. Sometimes i get a blank screen. I wouldn't want to upgrade to Mint just because of BL. Go to the Additional Drivers program to see if Intel has proprietary drivers.

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Graphics Drivers for Linux*

The Best Tech Newsletter Anywhere. He also suggested that I may need grapihcs update the video card driver here is info from Intelwhich seems far from self-evident from my Linux newbie perspective. Questions for xserver-xorg-video-intel in Ubuntu.

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Linux Mint 15 bit Processor: Zobacz profil Zobacz posty. I have no proprietary drivers listed in additional drivers. Windows Mac iPhone Android.

Questions for xserver-xorg-video-intel in Ubuntu

Intel driver KMS issue. Something that has helped a lot is to install a lightweight 'desktop'.

Glad to see I'm not the only one with this issue. But there are also several warnings about the difficulty of the task ahead in order to compile drivers from scratch I'm going back to my own. The framerate will pick back up after a few seconds and act like this cyclically. I am not aware of an option to switch graphics An update on my end, I just recently switched over to Arch Linux and tried playing Brutal Legend again.

Compiz-fusion in Ubuntu What version of the kernel are you using? Screen shifted to right after the last NVidia driver update.

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