Sunday, November 15, 2020


I really hate this mouse. The G5 is good but the G9 is truly the Mouse of the Gods. I use the G9 at the office and the Sidwinder on my desk at home. I actually prefer the VX Revolution more and more and bought one for travel as well. In search of a mouse Hardware and technical stuff. I own 6 mice.
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My old non-gaming mouse pre-Revolution. I loved my G5 until, ironically, I killed it by spilling water on it.

I own 6 mice. Now I need a recommendations for a light, snappy mouse. I use the G9 at the office and the Sidwinder on my desk at home. I have long, thin fingers and this is light enough to use. I was using the MS Sidewinder for a while, which satisfies my need for a heavier mouse, but I was unimpressed with the build quality. Is this mouse going to be used for FPS gaming and the like? Because the design of the mouse, it cannot be dismantled for user maintenance. I have one at work and one in the home office.

Dell 7 Button Matte Black XPS Premium Bluetooth Mouse (UN733 DH956 DH421)

Any diamondback lovers find something they like now? Been using a corded Razer Diamondback for years. It developed a fault in the RMB after a couple of months - I think something got stuck under the mouse button, making clicks with that button awkward and often not register.

That seems to be a better configuration. They look a bit strangely-shaped, but those rubber grips look comfortable. Very responsive and confortable.

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I really hate this mouse. As a bonus, it has cool glowy light mojse on it…. Ditto, with the only caution being that the firmware update process is somewhat touchy as I recall. My mouse, keyboard, and brand-new dual-monitor KVM died because of a small cd-sized amount of water underneath the keyboard. I have a profile for BF that has DPI settings at , and crazy gunship stunts for the win. I still prefer the Logitech G5 but I am intrigued by the over-under thumb buttons.

I like it better than the G9, as well. I use a G5 at work, and a G9 at home for playing games. Sees use on my old computer. In search of a mouse Hardware and technical stuff.

Dell XPS Optical 4-button Wireless Bluetooth Mouse - Dh | eBay

Both are excellent gaming mice with all the requisite features — i. It also felt a bit cheap. I have a crysis profile set with and DPI settings. On the plus side, it looks like a stealth tank. Most pet stores will carry a variety of sizes, although most of them are meant to feed to other animals. Its shape typically takes some getting used to, but its vertically positioned side buttons are awesome.

Still a great design and probably cheap nowadays.

I have a sidewinder, but the shape is a bit d421 unconventional for me. My favorite for gaming is still the revised G5.

I finally did it.

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