Friday, November 13, 2020


Search this thread only Search this forum only Display results as threads. Arbi said this on 25 November, at 6: M3Real said this on 6 February, at 3: Notify me of new comments via email. I have a Max Media Dock also and Ive tried everything. Anyway, thanks for such a great program.
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Check it out here and download the newest beta! Gorbagh said this on 19 February, at 3: I tapped the browser button and it brings me to my flashcart's directory, almost like its asking me to locate the browser file. Wasabi said this on 24 September, at 5: In Binires add the rom you want patched 6.

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Clyde Radcliffe said this on 24 May, at MauMau said this on 30 July, at Mine is freezing when it tries dsofganize Supercard DS driver, There is a solution or an option that I need to activate to read them well?

Hmmm, some reported it working with the MMD Maybe those persons could help you to make it running on your card.

Blog Stats 1, hits. Your name or email address: Hi, I attempted the v.

WW said this on 10 March, at 2: Anonymous said this on 11 January, at 9: I'm going to be getting an M3 Simply soon and am really looking forward to using your fine piece dsorganizf software. And how to DLDI patch something? Anonymous said this on 19 June, at 2: No idea what that is.

Anonymous said this on 30 May, at 5: It's become an awesome application -- I still think it needs to be a better organizer, though: Irinkatilk said this on 8 May, at 6: If 4gb HDD use that patch not the max media dock patch.

Just the same result when using. I want to learn some TC but i dont have my own computer, so were there any possibility, please tell me NDS - Emulation and Homebrew.

I downloaded the DSOrganize V3. John said this on 6 February, at 6: Clyde Radcliffe said this on 23 May, at I have issues with beta 3 on the M3 Simply tryinv I patched it but the stylus is not working.

Kyle said this on 17 February, at 2: Anonymous said this on 30 September, at 9: What about a special version of TD which does debug ouput and creates a logfile which could be analyzed?

Noda said this on 5 Teying, at Deliverance said this on 11 February, at 5: FFS, stop posting new threads all the time!

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