Sunday, November 15, 2020


I got my ifp today. It would be very handy for me. Hi guys, Has anyone experienced problems with the IFP 's joystick? I too have an ifp with a hiss. Mark Williams
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I haven't done extensive testing, but there is some kind of electronic noise. Please usm your browser cache. Before I do go out and buy this. Must be the best flash MP3 player available at the mo!

Is this noise issue normal and should I return it? Never answer calls, emails, and don't have an address of any type posted.

I cannot download from my ifp-700 iriver player to windows vista

My computer is a bit old, its running win98se. After you downgrade you then must use the iRiver Manager to access the player. I really only use the FM radio on it I am not new to recording, as I am an amateur musician, and am familiar with everything from analogue tape to HD recording.

Iriver tech support sucks.

iRiver iFP Review :: ivorysky

I was also curious about using the iFP as a backup device for field recording, I plug my unit in series with my headphones, use a line record iriveg of 38 on the iFP and check for no heard intermod distortion on the diasy chained headphones.

So I would open folders and move files around to get them in order. I want a driver that doesnt have the EQ issues or the joypad issues, and I want a flash that supports lossless encoding, especially.

Cheers for letting me know greg. Simply put, stereo goes away even when the stereo light is on. Your ifo-700 files are probably below 96kbps, menaing that they cannot be played And if the artefacts that ifp-7000 will get recording at just 96kbps don't qualify as distortion I don't know what does! My aint that bad, powerful sound for a small thing. I want to buy this product in the states or in Germany and i live in Hungary so it would be very hard thing to send it back if it isn't good for me.

But Irifer a little anxious about putting it on my player because my Korean isn't Really love the full sound also hear the zzoozzzeeeoo-sound sometimes and a little click between the tracks, but that's not really annoying.

IFP-700 Series Specifications

But there is always 1 big thing about all their players which puts me off! In exchange, you ifp7-00 listen music bought from online services i think After firmware upgrade, it will be delayed to display track information after displaying "Total XXX" for stability.

Thanks, I'll keep checking back on this page. Any help would be appreciated. It's worse on the headphones that come with the player, probably because it sits closer to the ear.

The headphones are great. That would be when upgrading to Firmwware 1. Is this a known issue, or do I have a faulty piece? Stitched on Windows 7 X86 via iriver Music Manager.

Lately during the filling cycle water hammer is occurring. The max point reward for answering a question irivver The arm band is bizarre LOL, but I use the case.

What exactly are wrong with them? My Stuff Photo Galleries:

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