Sunday, November 15, 2020


The ftd2chan package is a Tcl channel driver and is thus written in "C" and is delivered in compiled form for x86 Linux. The package contains a complete set of register definitions for the Cortex-M3 defined registers, but only the System Control and Flash Control peripheral blocks are currently defined for the Stellaris chips. The dbgreg package needs some additional work to define all the registers for LM3S peripherals. Since memory and registers can be read while the Cortex-M3 core is running, even this simple scripting capability is useful for probing, testing and automation purposes. The second application is called lm3sBrowser and is a interactive GUI program to read and display the values of the core registers and some Stellaris peripheral registers. The first release of the debugging tools contain enough to write simple tool applications.
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The first application is called lm3sFlasher and is a program that will burn an ELF executable file into the flash memory of an LM3S chip. At this point this is a simple program that only reads registers when they are selected and no writing is supported.

To obtain a complete distribution, make sure to download and install the latest version 8. Selecting a block expands the registers and selecting a register will read its value from via the debug port. The second application is called lm3sBrowser and is a interactive GUI program to read and display the values of the core registers and some Stellaris peripheral registers. This is accomplished by a set of Tcl packages: The ftd2chan package is a Tcl channel driver and is thus written in "C" and is delivered in compiled form for x86 Linux.

setting_up_ftdi_drivers_for_stellaris_board [KO4BB Wiki]

Since memory and registers can be read while the Cortex-M3 core is running, even this simple scripting capability is useful for probing, testing and automation purposes. If the register has bit fields defined for it, then it may also be expanded to lminary the values of the fields.

Note that is its possible to browse the registers without halting the core and when program first connects to a target it does not automatically halt the core. In addition to these packages which form a scripting base, two application programs are available.

The program provides a few controls, such as the ability to halt, resume or reset the core. The first release of the debugging tools contain enough to write simple tool applications. The following drawing shows the schema of the internal database used by the dbgreg ulminary. This program could be enhanced in a number of ways, such as being able to browse the non-automatic variables of a running program by reading the symbol table from the Ftdii file via the elf2ral package.

The program lm3sBrowser imcro also delivered as a Tcl Starpack. I suggest that the easiest way to have a complete version 8. The package contains a complete set of register definitions for the Cortex-M3 defined registers, but only the System Control and Flash Control peripheral blocks are currently defined for the Stellaris chips.

usb/177666: Add support for Texas Instruments / Luminary Micro JTAG USB connector for Stellaris

This program is a simple, interactive GUI program that presents the hardware blocks and registers in a hierarchy. Source is available via CVS.

The dbgreg package needs some additional work to define all the registers for LM3S peripherals. The dbgreg package also depends on TclRAL to store its internal database that maps symbolic register names to physical addresses and you will need to obtain that if you wish to use this package.

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